Category Archives: Sports and Lelobooks

Sachin Tendulkar in textbooks…Now, studies got its new meaning!


Soon, the students in Maharashtra and especially the cricket lovers and Sanchin Tendulkar in particular will soon be the champion and toppers in the class, while scoring incredible marks for the fact they would soon be reading and learning about this legendary figure in the Indian cricket and passing with incredible scores like that of Sachin in the cricket match. It has been declared that the Maharashtra government has decided to add a chapter on the ‘God of Cricket’ in school textbooks, very soon!

W, the scenario with students will be changed as this will not only stimulate the students but also will add interest in their studies and there will be no more sleeping in classes, at least on the day when it has to be taught the chapter of Sachin.


However, this is to bring into notice that if Sachin can be added in there, it is for sure that those people who are in charge of deciding the syllabus could also mull over adding other current topics too – such as modern Indian history (post 1947, that is). So, why not a weekly class on current events?

Do you think, if Sachin Tendulkar becoming a part of your academics would be a great idea? If yes, what other current topics that you would like to add into the syllabus?

Post your answers here at lelobooks, an online bookstore in India!looking forward to know about your interest!

A delightful treat for football lovers


The FIFA World Cup 2014 has taken its charge and kicked off this Tuesday on June 12, commenced its first match between Brazil and Crotia and I am pretty sure that your guy is gonna be glued to the screen with popcorn basket in one hand and a beer in the other. Now, it is up to you to decide if you want to be Ms. Grumps and brood over it, or be a sport and join him in all the action and activity? If you are planning to be the fun  and sporty girl, then play along and get in the FIFA spirit with these awesome football fictions. Learn to talk football and get inspired with these top 10 favorites.

With the start of the season, many FIFA fans will be looking for good books to get more involved in the game. So instead of the famous fiction books by James Patterson novel or breaking down and reading Twilight with your family and friends, the folks at Lelobooks have decided to give you 11 of the best football books to tide you over until the framework starts heating up.
The following are books, which will entice every football fan in putting these on their reading list. The following books are sure of containing valuable content that every page is pure gold for those who love the game.

Some of these will be all comprised of the X’s and O’s. Others will help you in learning about the transition from high school football to college and the pro game, yet others will take you behind the scenes with a peek in the FIFA that other fans will never get to see. However, one thing is for sure that the mentioned books will be equally enjoyable than watching the game through SportsCenter along with that you’ll learn a lot more as well.


More Than a Game: The Glorious Present and Uncertain Future of the NFL by Brian Billick and Michael MacCambridge

This book has been penned by the former Super Bowl-winning head coach, Brian Billick, dates itself a little bit as the “impending lockout” of 2011 is a somber theme all the way through its preliminary chapters. However, it will not let that stop you from reading this terrific thesis about the condition  and status of the game.

The book will provide you an opportunity to have a global look at the NFL, a view that will never get to witness. Instead of concentrating on one minuscule facet, Billick and MacCambridge have done a great job of enabling the readers to have a full view of the panorama of the state of professional football.

pat kirwan

Take Your Eye off the Ball: How to Watch Football by Knowing Where to Look by Pat Kirwan

Kirwan, the former coach, personnel man and commentator, made an attempt to provide the football lover with a unique view of the game. In addition, even some of the popular and efficient coaches of the present era consider Kirwan one of the smartest men in the game and look up to him.

Thankfully, his media training also makes him very accessible for the everyday fan. Here, in the book the author Kirwan has tried to bring about today’s reality that we, the viewers do not look beyond the game and that there is so much to look for and pay attention to in the game. Rather than looking at the snap, the dropback and following the ball to its destination, Kirwan shows, fans the series of the book, the course running, the jamming and everything that happens on defense as well. The book penned by Kirwan is tremendously profound and thorough and will teach every fan, something or the other about the game that they have never heard before.

So, guys…what are you waiting for? FIFA has already taken its façade and I know that this fast paced sport attracts you along with millions of people out there. Just grab your book and get to know the facts that others do not know.about the football game. Order now at lelobooks, best online bookstore in India at attractive price!

Everything about FIFA World Cup


The book will reveal you with the things that you wanted to know about the Fifa World Cup, but did not ask, thus the author Novy Kapadia, takes a reader on an inclusive tour of the previous 19.  This external guide which has arrived ahead of the 20th FIFA World Cup.

The book tells the insider story of  FIFA and how much it is liked by the people from all across the globe. It is estimated that around 909.6 million people watched some portions of the 2010 football World Cup final on their television systems. “Additional out-of-home viewers,” a television audience statement created for FIFA said, “are likely to have pushed the total reach to over one billion.” KantarSport, the media-research company that authored the document, also exposed that coverage of the championship contest held in all “reached over 3.2 billion people around the world – 46.4 per cent of the global population.”


The football world cup is such a sporting event, which I unsurpassed by all other sports. From the shantytowns of Accra to idyllic cafés in the Alps, people are obsessive by the same passion and excitement for the tournament. It has been declared that on June 12, the blinds will go up on an additional edition of football’s merry quadrennial jamboree and this time it is in Brazil, a country not so much a support of the sport as a cathedral.

In The Football Fanatic’s Essential Guide has come out in advance prior to the 20th FIFA World Cup, as Novy Kapadia makes an attempt to enable the reader to embark on a complete expedition of the previous 19. A popular football announcer on Indian television, Kapadia commences with the origins of the tournament, leading to the twisting way through the years; from Uruguay 1930, when four European teams grudgingly travelled by sea to remote Montevideo, past the heat of Mexico 1970 and a fascinating Brazil side’s intensity 12 summers later, to the first African World Cup in 2010.

On the way, there is plenty of  drama and deception, not the least of which is supplied by India’s withdrawal from the 1950 edition. Kapadia writes some engaging and interesting points about the journey in FIFA at some length, and grieves over the so called “missed opportunity”.  The footballers of India declined the invitation only due to the fact that they preferred to play barefoot – conflicting to FIFA’s rules of wearing shoes – is a misapprehension, he bickers. He pens down “The apprehension that Indian players would have been out of depth because they had to wear football boots is exaggerated. It has just become a self-perpetuating myth”. In reality, there are quite a million factors which have contributed to the decision, as Kapadia believes, with India let slip a chance to turn into a top international side.


For all its delight and splendor, the World Cup is no stranger to on-field hostility and a number of its scuffles – the Battle of Santiago, the Battle of Berne, the Battle of Nuremberg – find a citation in the book. Other matters of disagreement have also been touched in the book  – Diego Maradona’s positive ephedrine test and ban, West Germany’s genial, mutually beneficial 1-0 win over Austria (the ‘Disgrace of Gijon’ they called it), and Geoff Hurst’s goal in 1966.

The author has contributed to the society  with the reference material with everything, including dates, outcomes and fallouts, location and setting and detail on significant games from every World Cup.

Trivia and numbers also make it to a special section to indulge the anorak – long tables on penalties, yellow-cards, referees, attendances, goals scored or conceded, games won or lost.

Brazil 2014 is on the verge to get a chapter of its own at the end, with the groups previewed and the fixtures scheduled. The setting and climax of this World Cup is appearing like a long one; yet much fun is predicted out of it.

For more update about FIFA World Cup stay tuned with Lelobooks!

Surprise your mother on Mother’s Day with token of love


It is said that a “Mother” is the unsung hero of each one of our lives. She loves unconditionally,  sacrificing everything in order to enrich the life of her offspring. Thus, showing some appreciation to our mother is the least we can do as even our lives would fall short in front of their sacrifices. Although, the appreciation towards our parents should be shown everyday of our lives, still I find it a great idea for extra appreciate my mom, this year on the special day dedicated to mothers.  I have no idea how hard yet amazing motherhood would be, but I know that it is one of the most beautiful feeling a mother possesses, and this fact gains my love and respect for my mom (and anyone out there who has ever raised a child) which is growing more and more with each passing day.


Mother’s Day is just reaching and in order to thank my mother for all the love and concern, I have decided to give a blow to the passion of my mother as she loves to read in her free time (which has become a long past) with all our responsibilities and has left her passions far behind. So, here I am dedicating this article to my very own mom and all other moms out there who loves to read with these amazing reads. Happy Mother’s Day to my very own wonderful mom and all of you mamas out there!


How (Not) to Murder Your Mother by Stephanie Calman

The book has given a humorous, amusing and touching take on the mother-daughter relationship, which has been penned by bestselling author Stephanie Calman. On her complaining relationship with her mother, she comments: “We have some things in common. For example, we both make our scrambled eggs without stirring them and we’ve both dated heroin addicts. But it’s not really enough to get us through a weekend.” Present her with vigilance! Loads Of laughter! Indulge in online book shopping and surprise your mom with this special book at her doorstep.


How Not to be a Perfect Mother by Libby Purves

The book will provide you with a fresh look and will bring the process of parenting classic up-to-date for a new generation of mothers and mothers-to-be. The book will provide you with an overview of an irreverent and humorous look at the trials and tribulations of motherhood, Radio 4’s Libby Purves has created an invaluable survival guide so that even the most unpromising Madonna can cope with the baby years.


The novel covers the topics such as pregnancy, preschoolers, sibling fights, fraught outings, nannies and careers. Truly an invaluable guide to be an imperfect mother and, most importantly, enjoying it.

Will raise a smile with exhausted young mothers everywhere. Available at Lelobooks, a pioneer online bookstore!

 Momnesia: A Humorous Guide to Surviving Your Post-Baby Brain by Shannon Payette Seip and Adrienne Hedger

The novel, “Momnesia” is stuffed with all sorts of laughing matter, as any new mother will find herself with the characters. New reports show that women experience absent-mindedness, including memory loss, lack of sleep, hormone overload, and an incapability to contemplate, at some stage in pregnancy and shortly after giving birth.


But this book is the perfect story of hilarious elements and is a perfect chronicle of how-to guide to help mothers retrieve their brain and conspires to extinguish a new mom’s brain. For any new mum showing signs of … forgetfulness. What rises in its place is a brain that’s fuzzy, and focused only on the basics: food, poop, and sleep.  Momnesia is a sweet and funny gift that’s perfect for celebrating baby showers and congratulating new moms. Buy books online and surprise your mom with this hilarious book as it is an easy win that will cajole and inspire her.

Pink tulips for mother's day

 The above mentioned books are some of the most hilarious, witty entertaining yet truthful books which will help your mother to recall her time. So, just grab your desired book for your mother from lelobooks, an online bookstore in India. Avail attractive discounts on the occasion of Mother’s Day and make your mother feel special. Hurry Now!

Book Review: “The One You Cannot Have” by Preeti Shenoy


“The One You Cannot Have” is a romantic fiction with three chief character’s take on their life and their love sagas. Known for excellent writing style, Preeti Shenoy is throwing light on the reality of life and love and how in real life love comes with pain and suffering as well. She fairly portrayed life by telling that it is not a bed of roses and that destiny has its own fate.


Preeti Shenoy is, a prolific Indian author is back with her yet another novel that will keep you want reading, “The One You Cannot Have” is a romantic fiction. The story revolves around the three characters and their love lives. In her latest endeavor, “The One You Cannot Have”, she has talked about 21st century love. The story actually gives moral that one cannot fight heaven and earth to be with your beloved for a long time in the fast paced world, where emotions are replaced with emoticons and disregarding the feelings of others. The author talks about so called true love of the present times.

The story recounts the lives and love relationships of four individuals – Shruti, Rishabh, Anjali and Aman. The character Shruti and Aman in the book have portrayed as inseparable couple. The couple has been shown together for four long years and had always believed that their relationship could culminate into marriage. But, the destiny had its own fate which took them to different directions as her family life was hanging by a thread, but Aman could not understand that. Shruti walked out of their relationship and got married to Rishabh, a ‘nice-boy-from-her-caste’ – the one her parents chose for her.

Aman went overseas to work in order to handle the situation, where Shruti was happily married to Rishabh. But, her present consciousness haunts her for forgetting her first love. Wherein, on return of Aman to India, he meets Anjali but could not afford to be in a relationship with her. There, in the life of Shruti, there took a turn, as issues and problems arise about her past. And, after 2 long years, Shruti and Aman meet. See what is their reaction to their encounter.


The Narrative
The novel is fast-paced and doesn’t droop in the middle. It keeps fluttering between the occurrences and happenings in the lives of the Aman, Shruti and Anjali. The supporting characters of the novel are such as Rishabh, Aman’s mother, Mark, Dipika and Vikram, who are there to keep the book alive. The relationship between Aman and his single mother is marvelously narrated and described. Read and experience the conflict of thought and love, which is actually experienced by Shruti. The author has shown the reality of marriage as it is full of adjustments.
Read this book for the reality that it surpasses. Available at lelobooks, a leading online bookstore in India and win exciting gift hampers and lots more. Hurry now!

No realm for Women, at least in Chetan Bhagat’s world


Bibliophiles and book lover out there…this is of your interest and to stir you being lost in the world of books and literature. We all might have seen books written on various subjects as there are books that rattle nations  and force them to confront their prejudices and hypocrisies. Some books have been written on the subjects which evoke a sense of loss, predict disaster, death and dystopias, some of which help us to discover us and our aim in life. Then, you can also find some of the books which will disturb, amuse, instruct, entertain, move, provoke, breathe, play, and resonate. And in the world of books, there are books by the celebrated figure Chetan Bhagat.


In compliance with the World Culture Score Index, India stands among the top nations when it comes to literary knowledge and people’s intention of spending hours on reading per week. This celebrated Indian writer in the contemporary world is considered as the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history and is crowned with the title 100 Most Influential People in the World in Time magazine’s.

In this write up, I am going to tell you, like a modern day Cassandra, the reason predicting doom for Indian women, especially in Bhagat’s world, might be little exaggerating it. As in all the five novels published by him, which includes Five Point Someone, One Night @ the Call Centre, The 3 Mistakes of my Life, 2 States and Revolution 2020 are explicitly and unapologetically written focusing over the life stories of men. Their goal, their dreams, their forge bonds of friendship, their rivalry with other men, their mistakes, their efforts to overcome obstacles, their fun and their lives. Gosh…what about women? Mr Bhagat seems to be quite self obsessed with masculinity and has portrayed female characters with painstaking creatures, yet loving crafted from gossamer strands culled from every tedious nightmare that feminists have ever had. Undoubtedly, the female characters in his novels are invariably beautiful as making them ready for a movie, but when compared to the clichéd male characters in his fictions, these female characters settle for less. The women are described in regard of their relationships with men only as mothers, girlfriends, wives, girl-who-refuses-to-be-more-than-friends.


 Like in his debut novel Five Point SomeoneNeha Cherian exists solely in her competence as girlfriend of the protagonist (an IITian, surprise surprise) and the story incorporates male-bonding and male aspirations.

The 3 Mistakes of my Life, the female character Vidya  similarly serves the function of the prohibited and, therefore, all the more attractive romance, seeing as she is best friend’s sister, all about male friendship and male aspirations. Then in One Night @ the Call Centre and 2 States will also give you with the narration of men out to achieve/consolidate, in Bhagat’s words, their “naukri and chokri” (job and girl).

 Most exasperating of them all is Revolution 2020, which is incorporated with movie-script full of bad stereotypes, wishy-washy clichés, routine analysis of modern society and the vaguest plan for a revolution aside, the most alarming feature is the book’s whole-hearted acceptance and propagation of the ‘friendzone’ concept. Friendzoning, every victimized innocent man in Bhagat’s world will tell you, is when a deceitful female refuses to sleep with her ‘nice-guy’ friend, despite leading him on (by doing all the things that ordinary friends do).

 4665The three quarter of Revolution 2020 is filled with brood male having a  platonic relationship with his childhood companion Aarti who, by the way, is in a relationship with their common friend. Through the book, the author has portrayed his assumption for the woman she owes you sex for doing for her what every decent friend in the world does is a patriarchal concept which will be given an air  if writers and readers continue to think  and write about it.


Bhagat’s women characters are wretched spirits, forever hemmed in with their femininity and sexuality, less than a soul in their one-aspect personalities and not to mention that the central male figures have always been awarded with the trophies.

 Here below I have mentioned quite a few quotes from his novels that will help you to determine about his notion about women.

“Why should any guy want to be only friends with a girl? It’s like agreeing to be near a chocolate cake and never eat it. It’s like sitting in a racing car but not driving it.” (2 StatesThe Story of My Marriage)

“Pretty girls behave best when you ignore them. Of course, they have to know you are ignoring them, for otherwise they may not even know you exist.” (2 StatesThe Story of My Marriage)

A Delightful Treat for Food Lovers


Food is one of the three most imperative things that guzzle our waking moments. As a brazen foodie, I have only one word – the F word, Indeed the term ‘Food’. I am overwhelmed with  almost everything which has to do something with food. Food fantasy  is a term, which was certainly invented for people like me  who gaze at food pictures and dribble and watch food shows like they have been cast off on a secluded island with only a coconut shell for accompanying me.

Food is IN and in case you have not heard its big time you all should know about it. We all have friends and family persons who are food lovers and like to do experiments in order to create something new out of it. From journals, history, paeans to food porn, there are no vertically lined cookbooks on this list, however you can find here a perfect pairing for every flavor of foodie.


There is almost everything as delightful in this world as tempting and delicious dish that takes into consideration your personal likes and preferences and particularly if you are hungry, then guys it’s a double hit and is straight to the gut. The funniest part is that the definition of food varies all across the world, in fact, sometimes we need to look at our kitchen shelves to know about the various ingredients and their combinations, which can create wonders

The books I have compiled here below are not just confined to cookery books, some of them showcases a scrutiny of what food means to humans and how to be a part in its making and showing our own creativity with it, which is an imperative part of our daily lives and making our way to celebrate with this blessing every day.

50 Great Curries of India by Camellia Panjabi

An ultimate compilation of the great Indian curries! The book simply explicates the tempting Indian curries with clear and lucid procedures and instructions to make it these a real hit in your very own Indian kitchen with various ingredients. The instruction and guideline in the book have been stated  by a woman, who has helped to build and maintain the culinary reputation of the Taj Hotel chain.  Guys out there, if you are a lover of these Indian curries, go read out this book as it is worth of its each page. Each and every recipe inscribed in the book has been explained without any kind of jargon so as to make it simple to understand and follow. Indeed, one of my favorite cookbooks!


In Defense of Food  by Michael Pollan

Without a scent of doubt, this one is my most favorite book by food writers ever, Michael Pollan has jotted down food along with the exact place where it belongs to – cartons and packets, out of tins, Kitchen gardens, right into fields, gardens and kitchen patches. He has made the way to eat real food with passion, which would be yet in a rational manner. ‘In Defense of Food’ is a must read cookery book dedicated to a foodie.


 Eat Your Heart Out by Felicity Lawrence

It is truly an eye opener book as it is incorporated with full of facts about food and the food industry. The book has in it all about how the commercialization of the production of food, which has given rise to the practices that are distressing on the earth and where food is grown and how we eat it. Even the book details about the certain kinds of food that come about and why do we need to be acutely aware of these things in the name of food. Then, the book also tells the solutions to combat food giants in order to be sure about the food quality of each meal that we consume in our daily lives. Really a wonderful book, just buy it and read it out to enlighten yourself all about food or present it to your foodie friend, she will definitely bless you for this blissful gift.

I am sure after reading out all these three wonderful reads which is truly a delightful treat for the food lovers, your palm must be scratching hard to spend out some pennies in order to get this book and indulge in different experiment with your favorite ingredients. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry now and place an order to get your favorite cookbook. You can also get your desired cookbook at your doorstep by buying online books from an online bookstore. Hurry now and avail huge discounts at lelobooks and can also win great gift hampers with cookery books.

Develop the Habit of Reading in Your Child


Nothing can beat than watching your child being emerged in the charming world of literature. In order to make your child fall in love with the books you need to check the environment of your home as it beckons a child into the world of thoughtfulness.  For developing a healthy habit of reading and learning in your child, one should consider that it develops in the early age of a child itself and parents along with teachers play a vital role in order to make their child learn how to read in creative ways. Develop the sense of creativity and imagination in your child by following these tips with lelobooks.


1. Make sure that your child has books to explore from the day one of his learning phase: From the day one of a child’s learning phases, he/she should be provided with books as to make him/her understand the need of books and further see them as a part and parcel of his/her daily life. You need to create an environment with book lying around your child in order to explore these. In the company of books gradually your child will make these as his/her best friends in life.


2. Make reading a habit in your child’s routine: Moms out there, this is to remind you that if you want to see your child excel in studies, make sure that you also put in efforts in his/her learning process by taking some time from your busy schedule and giving it to your child’s reading habit with telling him/her stories in order to intrigue your child in reading and learning. Children of all ages love good stories. So read out to them no matter if your child is two or twelve!


3. Practice dramatic skill with them: Children love action and volume, so what could be better than theatre? So just try it out with your child. Just try out with acting skills in front of your child as to make him/her learn practically with expressions. This will not only make your child indulge in some fun but also will help him/her to grab and learn.

hive cover

This is to mention that increase the complexity of books with the increasing age of your child as to develop his/her mind accordingly. If you are not sure which book you should pick out for your kids, which will interest them are such as books by Gerald Durrell, PG Wodehouse and Jack London. Also, occasionally, Shakespeare, Shelly and Yeats. You can also buy books online from some of the authentic online book storesAvailable at lelobooks! Hurry now and avail attractive discounts.

ICC World T20 Calling with an Extra Dose of Zing


5th ICC Twenty20 has taken its toll as it has got started on 16th March at the Mirpur’s Sher-E-Bangla cricket stadium and will render its concluding winner on the 6th of April, 2014 in Bangladesh. This time, players from the sixteen countries have taken part in it and the total number of matches they will be playing counts to 35.


20-20 world cup 2014 has already kicked off and the tournament has been divided into two stages. The first round conducted the matches between Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and six other qualifiers and the second round conducted matches between super 10. Group 1 declared Sri LankaSouth AfricaEnglandNew Zealand as the qualifiers and the group 2 declared India, Pakistan, Australia, West Indies as its qualifiers.

After conducting the match between the contending teams, it has decided the two names of the qualifiers from the first and the second round and are going to play the final match on 6th April. The much awaited final match is going to be played between India and Srilanka.


Be it any day, any world cup, the men in blue always shine out in the game and if you have noticed Pakistan cannot beat India in world cups. After playing five matches in the tournament, including 4 qualifiers and 1 semi-final, India is all set to pay the final match against Sri Lanka, the qualifier from the other group.

In the semi-final match of Twenty20, Ravi Chandra Ashwin stood as the highest Indian wicket taker and the match kicked off well with the partnership of Rohit Sharma and Ajinkya Tahane, who made 46 in their partnership.


Virat Kohli’s fiery fifty helped India storming into the finals and with its victory in the semifinals the team is geared up to cruise into the finals, which is going to be held tomorrow. The right-handed batsman, Virat became the star performer with the bat for India has scored 170 runs from the four matches, making an average run of 85, so far in the Twenty20 World Cup.

Suresh Raina brings a turning point in the match when he arrived in the 17 over,  in just an 10 balls he scored 21 runs with three boundaries and a six. In the eighteenth over, the fourth ball turns down Suresh with a flicked off with a simple catch by Beuran Hendricks.


The fans of Indian Cricket Team hold your breath and pray for its victory in the 5th ICC World Cup in Twenty 20. Stay tuned with us at for the details and facts of the match to be held on Sunday, 6th April in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Keep reading!

Mahendra Singh Dhoni under the Cloud of Suspicion


Mahendra Singh Dhoni enjoys a privilege of 4 years of captaincy and has surfaced as one of the most successful captains of the Indian Cricket Team. This successful captain led the team to the number one position in the ICC Test Rankings for the first time in the year 2009 in December. Started his career with the shortest format of the game and immediately led India to ICC World Twenty20 victory in South Africa in September 2009.


Presently, this Indian Cricketer was facing problems  as he was presumed as guilty of corrupt conduct, but has recently been  discharged from the allegations by The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) as the team gave a statement to the Supreme Court and that the allegations are false. The Indian captain has been maligned by the media as was stated by BCCI representatives, who is the captain of the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) team, which is owned by N Srinivasan, whose son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan was accused for illegal betting in the series of IPL, in 2013.


Kapil Dev stated, “If Dhoni is fit enough, there should be no doubt because he is one of the finest batsmen we have and coming in at number 6-7 and averaging more than 50, why should we have any doubts. Somebody who has won us the World Cup, the T20 World Cup… why do we even talk about it and bring doubts in people’s mind”.

Soon after returning victorious in the World Twenty20, he was  made the India’s one-day international captain for the seven-match ODI series against Australia in September 2007. After serving the team as vice-captain for a while, Dhoni was made full-time Test captain of India during the fourth Test against Australia at Nagpur in November 2008 replacing Anil Kumble, who announced his retirement after the third Test. Dhoni made his mark in the international cricket soon after his ODI debut in December 2004 against Bangladesh. He scored a match-winning 148 against Pakistan in Vishakapatnam off 123 balls in his fifth ODI and announced his arrival in the international arena. Dhoni made his Test debut against Sri Lanka in December 2005. Similar to his one-day career, he slammed his maiden century (148) against Pakistan in 2006. His maiden ton came off 93 balls and is the fastest hundred scored by an Indian wicket-keeper.



Arun Pandey, Dhoni’s agent and owner of Rhiti Sports, Dhoni said, “I haven’t seen the report yet. The matter is subjudice and scheduled for hearing in the Supreme Court on March 7, so till then, I would like to request people to refrain from speculating.”

There is a contrary statement that Dhoni might or might not be among the six Indian players, reported by Mudgal Committee to the Supreme Court in a sealed envelope. The committee is having further investigations for all the players, whose names are mentioned in the sealed envelope.