Tag Archives: buy online books cash on delivery

How To Become A Billionaire By Selling Nothing by Aditya Magal


The book How To Become A Billionaire By Selling Nothing, written by Aditya Magalis based on the egotistical investor and stock broker. The novel follows the breathtaking life, which can be convincingly termed as the ‘larger than life’ of a multi billionaire, who is also recognized as The Bull of Dalal Street – Sir Sri Jhunjhunwala!

How To Become A Billionaire

Here in the book, it is mentioned that Mr. Jhunjhunwala is presented with a business proposal for investment in a company that produces an extraordinary product, “Nothing”! Faced with a ludicrous offer and a frantic man, Ramakant Shastri, Mr. Jhunjhunwala gives notice to the entrepreneur with a lakh of rupees for psychiatric help. Mr. Jhunjhunwala has a fun day, until it takes a turn for the worse and he ends up in the hospital where he is advised to have compulsory rest. After this rest holiday, Mr. Jhunjhunwala returns to his life where he finds himself in the middle of a hype over Nothing, only to have to suppress his ego and take the high road. What ensues is a fiasco with a law suit after law suit over patent plagiarism and environment endangerment.

The protagonist of this entire circus production is Ramakant Shastri and can be said as the brain behind Nothing. He is an overly ambitious person with an unmatched hunger for wealth and victory. His blindsided approach to business is what led to his end.

How To Become A Billionaire2

The author Aditya Magal has put in a considerable effort while delivering a caricature filled with sardonic jibes and humorous references. The book puts forth a straightforward and sometimes in-your-face depiction of the country, dragging along any and everyone who could be a potential candidate for charade. The book could have been a total roller coaster ride, if only written a little more dexterity and a little more subtlety would have been added to it. Here, there at various points where the mockery has been felt forced and unnecessary. Also, the author has incorporated a lot of exaggeration for the sake of laughter, which in contrary is felt as lengthy and troubling to the line of thought. The revelation of the master plan at an early stage made it anticlimactic, and took away the real essence. Undoubtedly, the character development is good and despite all super human exaggerations, all the characters, including Mr. Jhunjhunwala, are at the core, humans with very inbred reactions!

All in all, a good effort by a debut writer, who has given the society a good book for light mood. The book had a brilliant foundation and there is this line of thought that it could have been enormously sidesplitting, had it not tried too hard.

Want to read the fake Rakesh Jhunjhunwala by Aditya Magal, log on to lelobooks.com and grab this book at an amazing price. Buy books online and get attractive discounts as well as win great exciting gift hampers.order now and have your book at your doorstep.

The power of mind…


In the world of cosmos, where we have been created by this vast expanded universe, have you ever wondered how well do we all know about our creator, the universe? Plus, when we have been gifted by this so called universe with a unique attribute, the mind which renders us the power to think, now the question arises that how well do we know about this gift given to us by this universe and how well do we actually use it in our daily lives. Well, before you get into a race of running your mind’s horses, let me tell you this simple fact that mind has power to create its own realities and a universe for itself. There have been always such questions asked as who created whom, was it the universe which created mind or vice-versa, leaving us with our imaginations and knowledge. It has always been taught that the mind generates knowledge and thereafter creating generalities, which in turn unravels the secret of its own creator, which is better known as the universe and even structure a universe for itself, which is constantly evolving.

the power of mind

Mind, is otherwise stands as the crux through which universe governs and regulates its own evolutionary path. Moreover, the perfection of mind is mandatory for the right evolution of universe.

Ecological Healing

The healing of mind is when translated into ecological healing, it defines the saving of the living planet and humanity. It has been surveyed that the environmental pollution and ecological disruption are the consequences of polluted mind and this fact is unraveled by Henryk Skolimowski’s theory, which states the mind in human beings have the magical potential to create and reform the universe. It says that the mind mends and heals itself, provided the fact that it is nurtured with the right philosophy. The mind does not mend and heal itself; but also contributes in healing the tormented planet as well. To this Henryk has stated, “The healing of the world and of ourselves within and a new understanding of universe are complementary aspects of the same process”. Thus, it becomes obvious that the virtues of the mind are the virtues of the world in which we usually find ourselves indulged in, and vice-versa.

The Participatory Mind

Henryk’s philosophy of participatory mind will assist us in realizing the central role of the mind in designing new cosmologies, ontologies and in determining social behavior or an individual. This theory tells that the mind is central to everything, every process and phenomenon and this universe is also a product of the mind for it shapes it and makes a space for us to live in.

A Holistic View

To wrap up with this, I would like to add a little in it, with the help of science with its holistic view in recognition with its inter connection with nature of its existence. A new mind in the universe appears to be evolving caressed by the universe, which will further help create a universe with a new world blossoming with happiness and completeness of life.

To know more about healing the world with the tactics of the mind stay tuned with Lelobooks, an online bookstore in India and browse some spiritual books at the bookstore and avail some attractive discounts on your favorite books.

Lelobooks excerpt: “Where Earth Meets Water” by Pia Padukone


Pia Padukone, in her book, “Where Earth Meets Water” has given a demarcation in an instant, like a in a moment as when the ocean tides push and pull the grains of sand and take it away with its flow having its backdrop of an avalanche cascading down a mountain, a torrential downpour onto a parched field of crops. Each entity is both independent from and beholden to the other for survival. And each is affected by the other’s behavior.

“Padukone’s vignettes — set both in an India defined by its ‘mustiness of cardamom and mustard and mothballs’ and the gritty streets of a post-9/11 New York — are imbued with vivid detail. So, too, her characters are anything but bland or passive.”

The author has made her debut with this emotional AND spectacular in which, one man searches for meaning in the wake of incomparable tragedy Pia, in the books tells the story of Karom Seth, who is the heart of the book, whose guilt prevents him from leaving his past behind. He was playing hooky the morning of September 11, 2001, when his class takes a stopover the World Trade Center.

pia padukone

He thinks that he should have been in the Twin Towers on the morning of 9/11, and on the Indian shores in 2004, when the tsunami swept his entire family into the ocean. Whether it’s a curse or a blessing, Karom can’t be sure, but his absence from these disasters has left him with crushing guilt-and a belief that fate has singled him out for invincibility.

Karom’s problem brought everyone near him, from his best friend, Lloyd, to his girlfriend, Gita, who anticipates that an expedition to India will bring him some peace. It happens in Delhi that he meets Gita’s grandmother, Kamini-an eccentric, but a sensible woman having secrets of her own. At first Karom dismisses Kamini, but later when he realizes that she will ultimately lead him to the clarity that he has been hunting for.

Straddling across the globe from New York to India, Where Earth Meets Water is a spectacular portrait of a pursuit for human understanding, and a astute investigation of misery, endurance and love in all its forms.

About the Author:

Pia Padukone was born, raised and continues to live in New York City. A graduate of Stuyvesant High School and the London School of Economics, Pia has worked as a copywriter in healthcare advertising. In their spare time, Pia and her husband write Two Admirable Pleasures, a blog that combines their shared passions for books and the culinary dishes that are inspired by them. Pia debuts with Where Earth Meets Water and is working on her second novel.

The book is available at lelobooks, a leading online bookstore in India, which keeps updating its bookshelf with the latest releases and has millions of books in its inventory. Indulge in online book shopping and order now for availing attractive discounts. Hurry Now!

Book Review: India Junction – A Window to the Nation by Seema Sharma


Released by Indian Railway, titled ‘India Junction – A Window to the Nation’, which has been brought by Public Relations Directorate, Railway Board and has been edited by Ms Seema Sharma.

The book, ‘India Junction – A Window to the Nation’ states a saga of the long an action-packed journey of Indian Railways starting from 1853 to the present day with in detail, methodical thesis that are loaded with history; gorgeous travel pieces; and some truly wonderful and exceptional photo features, which commemorates the modifications, changes and convenience that the Railways has brought about in our lives; and looks at how the Railways itself has changed over time.

india junction

It is a national known fact that the Indian Railways provide us with a realistic, expedient mode of transportation, but its involvement and contribution to Indian life goes much beyond that. Tdoay, it has become the lifeline of the nation and, in many ways, its improvement has been deeply entwined with the future of the nation. India Junction features in-depth, systematic  and logical essays that are rich in history; delectable travel pieces; and some truly amazing and rare photo features—celebrates the changes the Railways has brought about in our lives; and examines how the Railways itself has transformed over time.

Since then, this mode of transportation has been a part of many phenomenal events in India like freedom struggle, India Independence etc. this mode of transportation has even been an indispensable force of modernization and the author Seema Sharma in her book, India Junction : A Window To The Nation has mentioned many instances and facts that enable us to experience again many such important instances of history which are associated with Indian Railway.

india junction2

The book shows that India got its first taste of Railway mode of transportation in the year 1853 when train was launched from Bombay to Thane.

Some quotes in INDIA JUNCTION:

•    Without the railways, the three great cities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras would have remained small colonial trading ports. —Sir Mark Tully
•    ‘Railways was the greatest force of modernization and unity that India had ever seen.’ —Sandipan Deb
•    ‘The development of the railways has been deeply intertwined with the destiny of the Indian subcontinent.’ —Sharmila Kantha
•    ‘In Mumbai locals, there is even a new subgroup of intimacy: the train friend.’ —Jerry Pinto
•    ‘No Railways, no India.’—Ian J. Kerr

The book also contains a few rare photos featuring and celebrating the modifications of Indian Railways through the course of time and the book would have been incomplete without these clicks.

The book is available at lelobooks, an online bookstore in India, so just click and place your order through online book shopping and get this book at your doorstep. Also avail attractive discounts and exciting gift hampers. Hurry now!

Land into the wonderland with fairy tales


Mind games stir an individual and wake them up and keep their minds working and active. You might not know that keeping our minds active will enable us from aging and helps to keep the memory process from slowing down.

The Eleventh Hour

The Eleventh Hour, written by Graeme Base belongs to the genre of curious mystery. The book is written in the year 1988 and is an illustrated book for children. The book showcases a scene, where the elephant named Horace invites his friends  on his eleventh birthday and asks them to play eleven games at the party and can have dinner at eleven o’clock.  But, there happens lot of confusion when they discover that food has already been eaten. Find out who is that glutton and solve the mystery with careful analysis.

he Eleventh Hour

The book is written in rhyme, the book includes large and lavish full-page illustrations of Horace’s opulent house and the events of the party, packed with hidden details. The author invites the reader to deduce the identity of the thief by examining the illustrations and making deductions and observations. The major and most conspicuous clue lies in a paragraph of ciphertext at the end of the book, which is to be decrypted, once the reader has discovered the identity of the thief, by means of a Caesar cipher mapping A to the first letter of the guilty animal’s name. The solution to the cipher confirms the answer to the puzzle and offers an additional challenge to the reader.

Treasure’s Trove

Treasure’s Trove: A Fairy Tale About Real Treasure For Parents And Children Of All Ages is an exemplified book for the kids, which has been written by Michael Stadther and was published in 2004 by Treasure Trove Inc.

Treasure's Trove

The book rendered the so called “real treasure” when it gave an opportunity of decoding clues in the book that led to fourteen tokens that could be turned in for exceptional jewels, each representing an insect or characters from the book, or a cash prize representing one third of the jewel’s value. Initially, it was reported that there were twelve jewels. The book has also been adapted  as a movie and has also won fourteen prizes. The book has a story of twelve forest creatures whose mates disappear after being crystallized by a dark dust that falls every evening. The forest creatures combine forces with Zac (the handsome woodcarver), Ana (his beautiful half-elf, half-human wife), and their hesitant, plump, winged “doth” Pook (inspired by the author’s dog Misty) to save the creatures and restore the dying forest.

The book is available at lelobooks, an online bookstore in India and avail attractive discounts! So, to bring some stirring instances which will make you to brush up your imagination and thinking process, get this book.

Book Review: 2 States by Chetan Bhagat


The movie adaptation of 2 States retells the success story of  the most popular author of India, Chetan Bhagat. To his popularity the books written by him takes the credit for not just being the, but also being the first draft of screenplays which demands loads of things to be edited out and rewritten and also makes him, the most criticized author.

A product of Chetan Bhagat, 2 States is a novel which represents a love saga of a boy from North and a girl from the South. The book is an entertaining read and portrays the mindset of the Indian culture, when it come to marriage. In a country like India, where marriage is no less than a battle won. The book showcases the situation where the two halves of the couple are from two opposite regions, things are set to get tricky. This is the 4th novel by Chetan Bhagat had also been adapted way before in Chennai Express.

2 states

The story opens when Punjabi-boy Krish Arora, who meets Tamil-Brahmin-girl Ananya Swaminathan in the IIMA mess, where they both came for their higher education.

Ananya gets into an argument with the mess worker, where Krish comes to her rescue and settle the issue between them and sacrificed his sweet dish, to the Ms. Popular of the college. Quite predictably, both of them fall in love and what follows is their journey of convincing their parents.

One of my favorite Indian authors, Chetan Bhagat has penned books  with numerous issues for his style of writing, yet we cannot deny the fact that this man has changed the face of Indian reading. The New York Times called him the biggest-selling English-language novelist in India’s history. The fact of his stories is that his tales are somewhat inspired from his life and which gives an extra advantage of making it more believable, and consequently popular among his fans.

The story moves between three cities – Ahmedabad, Delhi and Chennai (with a snapshot in Goa). While we are shown just a glimpse of the first city, the other two are described in full vigor. The writer intelligently captures the cultures of north and south India. While Krish’s mom and aunt will make you remember all your neighborhood aunties, Ananya’s parents are shown as typical conservative Tamilians. Needless to mention, the book is filled with hilarity, like a Tamil-speaking Sardar and verbal fights between Krish’s and Ananya’s mothers. The cynicism used never fails. In fact, in some instances made me rolling on the floor.

2 states2

Both protagonists are likeable. While Krish juggles between his job and different cities in his attempt to marry the love of his life Ananya, she is sorting out problems as her marriage is fixed with some other guy by her parents.

I have read all the five books by Chetan Bhagat and found this one as the most intriguing and in my view, the book is the best from this author. He gives you a clear perspective of life in India. Though it is surely not a literary piece and is well written. People looking for intellectual stuff and serious theme may not like it. But all romance-lovers should surely go for it. It is a light hearted book. The book may not be an emotional roller-coaster, but will leave a smile after its completion!

The book is available at lelobooks, an online bookstore in India Order now and avail attractive discounts through online book shopping.

A paradigm of humorous chaos: The Competent Authority by Shovon Chowdhury


Penned by Shovon Chowdhury, the novel “The Competent Authority”holds the story which has been given a set up of futuristic India. The book is a political satire over the current national scenario, dealing in politics. Published by the Aleph book Company, the novel  has been placed with a high threshold.

The Plot

India has been portrayed as we are in the 2030s is way far different from the present  world. It has been shown that the capital of the country is New Delhi, whereas Bengal has been shown as a protectorate of China. Haryana’s sex ratio has fallen down to a pitiable 400. After being nuked by China, the country is now secretly ruled by a person at top position and is known as Competent Authority (CA). The emission has had bizarre effects on people, one of them is Pintoo, a 12-year old boy who discovers that he possesses the power of bending space-time continuum after he gets mutilated by the Bank of Bodies. He decides to use his power for the good and sends three people: an Al-Qaeda operative, a CBI clerk and a corrupt cop to alter three major proceedings in Indian history.

The Competent Authority by Shovon Chowdhury2

The Good

The novel has been written in simple and palatable English without too many dull-witted words, having its central theme, which  is a satire which tends to make fun of everyone, be it certain traditions, assurances, politics or society. Though the book seems to read quickly with a touch of swish humor along with a hidden layer of deep philosophy lying underneath, questioning the likelihood of the constructed future being somewhat similar to the yet unknown one. The characters have been portrayed in response to the situation constructed. Some of them are completely comical and amusing that will leave you by rolling on the floor laughing while a few leave you with a smile. The plot too is fascinatingly structured. Pintoo’s assignment to fix the past with the help of a few adults forms the center plot, with the fanatically eccentric dystopic India, providing the milieu.

The Bad

The book seems to be a little lengthy  in terms of satire which sometimes happens to be a discouraging read. The font size till the page 452 is really small. Even if the characters have been shown and put across the novel in a very funny way, yet they seem to be a little unrealistic.

The central character of CA doesn’t live up to its authoritative designation, being heavily besieged by a hackneyed mindset and haphazard fool-like decisions. The author uses it in an explosively extreme amount, in every page and paragraph of the book. Perhaps the old saying – ‘too much of anything isn’t good’ seems to be true after reading this book.

Thus, the novel The Competent Authority can be read, if you have a lot of time to spare and have little patience. As you flip the pages, you will surely engross yourself in the story. The fans of satire and dark humor will surely like it.

Available at lelobooks, an online bookstore in India. To grab this political satire with loads of hilarious instances, order now and get your book at home.

Review: My family and other animals by Gerald Durrell


“My childhood in Corfu shaped my life. If I had the craft of Merlin, I would give every child the gift of my childhood.” ― Gerald Durrell, My Family and Other Animals

The book is dedicated to the animals and animal lovers, giving a situation to imagine to move to a new exotic place, with your slightly unconventional family. Then, add some of the entertaining experiences with some of the most startling animals, a shooting adventure gone bad, lots of parties with unusual guests, animal hunting in the orchards of olives and grapes, swimming in the cool, brilliantly blue, dolphin filled seas, memorable picnics in the most unusual but beautiful places and you have the anecdote of this jewel of a book!

my family

The Plot

The plot of the story is one of the most congenial, rib-tickling escapade comedy story. Penned by Gerald Durrell, “Family and Other Animals”, is the narration of childhood life in the exotic Greek Island of Corfu. The story tells that the Durrell family gets pissed off from severe winters and decides to move to a country with better weather. Just imagine what could be better than a Greek Island with its warm sunshine and gleaming azure waters? So the family impulsively moves to Corfu, a small Island with affable people and even friendlier fauna, giving them to start off with the experience of a lifetime. The book will take you to you through his escapades with turtles and terrapins(Who knew they were different!), water snakes and scorpions(Brrr!), magpies and seagulls, pigeons and dogs, frogs and geckos and so loads more!

The Characters

The book is incorporated with lots of appealing characters. The author has also thrown light on the members of Durrell family. The family of Durrell consists of a gentle, loving yet eccentric mother, a snobbish, self-interested elder brother Larry, who loves his books and wants to make it as an author, the acne – faced Margo, who has her fans, the gun-loving Leslie who loves his game and the nature loving Gerry who could pet almost any animal living in this planet.

The family initially looks like a dysfunctional family at the commencement, slowly transitions into a abnormal but adorable family and the author brings out this conversion marvelously. Other characters like that of Spiro, the chauffeur, Kosti the prisoner, Theodore and Mr. Krafelsky are also portrayed in a flamboyant manner that is detailed to a child’s eye, which is a far-fetched feat by the author and gives us a look into a child’s perception on so many things.

The Writing

The author has very well done his job with good writing style as he wins in transporting you the stunning world of Corfu with his words. The author is known for his natural flair of writing for humor and made me chuckle at the re-tellings of some of the incidents in the book. The incidents like Margo’s dramatic exit from the home only to get stuck in the storm, Larry’s surprise when he opens his matchbox for lighting his cigarette, Larry’s little gunfire adventure, the anger of the seagull, Mrs. Durell in her swimsuit and this all resulting into confusion with Roger will on your mind and leave you smiling even when you recount it. The author also grasps in his insights and well-portray different animals and their lives in between these incidents that will make you wonder why you never look at an animal the way Mr. Durell does. The author wheedles his readers with his melancholy narration of his piognant experiences with his family, his rather unusually named pets(Quasimodo, Puke, and animals in this wonderful book.

The Verdict

As Sunday Times describes it, this book is truly bewitching and will leave you wanting for more for sure. Truly a delightful read. The book is available at lelobooks, an online bookstore in India and can get the book at your doorstep through online book shopping! Hurry now and avail attractive discounts.

Recalling the reminisces of the past…


It’s time to take a look at the reminisces of the past by reading out some of the famous historical novels that represents the characters of the past time, in the process of portraying the era in a very sensible and realistic manner, in regard to its spirit and the fact. It is indeed very difficult to pick out the best and every reader has his opinion. So in my view, here are some of the best historical novels.

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

The books ‘War And Peace’ has been penned by Tolstoy and dates to around 1869 and is often described as the greatest ever – chronicles the effects of the Napoleonic wars on five aristocratic Russian families. It is considered as the masterpiece of the author is a tale of family life set against the backdrop of war, as Napoleon’s armies sweep through Europe. Seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families, the novel culminates in the French invasion of Russia in 1812 and Napoleon’s defeat. It is widely considered to be Tolstoy’s finest work and one of the greatest novels ever written, historical or otherwise, even though the author himself said that it was “not a novel, even less is it a poem, and still less a historical chronicle”.

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

The novel Gone With the Wind has been written by Margaret Mitchell in the year 1936. The book is a powerful historical novel and has a setup of the period of  American Civil War, which happened in the years 1861-1865 and also tells about the story of the time of its reconstruction after the war. It narrates the tale of Scarlett O’Hara, a Southern belle who survives on her family’s plantation, Tara. The story revolves around Scarlett’s infatuation with her neighbor Ashley Wilkes.

Gone With the Wind (1936) by Margaret Mitchell

The above mentioned two historical novels are the picks from my inventory of Historical novels, which take me to the past. The novels are very well narrated, taking the readers to the time when the war happened  these two are a must read and will surely delight you to the core.the books are available at lelobooks, an online bookstore in India. Just place your order through online book shopping  and get your book at your doorstep. Hurry now!

A delightful treat for football lovers


The FIFA World Cup 2014 has taken its charge and kicked off this Tuesday on June 12, commenced its first match between Brazil and Crotia and I am pretty sure that your guy is gonna be glued to the screen with popcorn basket in one hand and a beer in the other. Now, it is up to you to decide if you want to be Ms. Grumps and brood over it, or be a sport and join him in all the action and activity? If you are planning to be the fun  and sporty girl, then play along and get in the FIFA spirit with these awesome football fictions. Learn to talk football and get inspired with these top 10 favorites.

With the start of the season, many FIFA fans will be looking for good books to get more involved in the game. So instead of the famous fiction books by James Patterson novel or breaking down and reading Twilight with your family and friends, the folks at Lelobooks have decided to give you 11 of the best football books to tide you over until the framework starts heating up.
The following are books, which will entice every football fan in putting these on their reading list. The following books are sure of containing valuable content that every page is pure gold for those who love the game.

Some of these will be all comprised of the X’s and O’s. Others will help you in learning about the transition from high school football to college and the pro game, yet others will take you behind the scenes with a peek in the FIFA that other fans will never get to see. However, one thing is for sure that the mentioned books will be equally enjoyable than watching the game through SportsCenter along with that you’ll learn a lot more as well.


More Than a Game: The Glorious Present and Uncertain Future of the NFL by Brian Billick and Michael MacCambridge

This book has been penned by the former Super Bowl-winning head coach, Brian Billick, dates itself a little bit as the “impending lockout” of 2011 is a somber theme all the way through its preliminary chapters. However, it will not let that stop you from reading this terrific thesis about the condition  and status of the game.

The book will provide you an opportunity to have a global look at the NFL, a view that other.fans will never get to witness. Instead of concentrating on one minuscule facet, Billick and MacCambridge have done a great job of enabling the readers to have a full view of the panorama of the state of professional football.

pat kirwan

Take Your Eye off the Ball: How to Watch Football by Knowing Where to Look by Pat Kirwan

Kirwan, the former coach, personnel man and commentator, made an attempt to provide the football lover with a unique view of the game. In addition, even some of the popular and efficient coaches of the present era consider Kirwan one of the smartest men in the game and look up to him.

Thankfully, his media training also makes him very accessible for the everyday fan. Here, in the book the author Kirwan has tried to bring about today’s reality that we, the viewers do not look beyond the game and that there is so much to look for and pay attention to in the game. Rather than looking at the snap, the dropback and following the ball to its destination, Kirwan shows, fans the series of the book, the course running, the jamming and everything that happens on defense as well. The book penned by Kirwan is tremendously profound and thorough and will teach every fan, something or the other about the game that they have never heard before.

So, guys…what are you waiting for? FIFA has already taken its façade and I know that this fast paced sport attracts you along with millions of people out there. Just grab your book and get to know the facts that others do not know.about the football game. Order now at lelobooks, best online bookstore in India at attractive price!